After many years of dreaming, I decided to take the plunge and get my very own dream-on-wheels; a 1978 bay camper. I'd seen many adverts on eBay etc, but I’m a bit short on the mechanical engineering, intellect... ok I know absolutely nothing!
So, I needed someone who had the skills I lacked. I wanted something that was sturdy solid, with a good reliable engine, restored to a high standard but more than that, with the extent of my knowledge I needed someone I could trust to get me a quality van and fit it out accordingly. That’s what I got at VW Down Under, AND my most important requirement; peace of mind. So I’m now off on my new journey in my beautiful van.
Recently at a meet I was greeted by lots of compliments on my van, I wish I could have accepted them myself – being very proud of what was said – but I had to acknowledge who the real skilled artisans were.